View over Castletownarra & Castlelough

Down Survey map of Castletowne Parish - 1641 - (Map has South at the top} and Lough Derg on the right)

The old and new owners of the lands of Castletowne, Garrykennedy and Cornode - (Book of Survey and Distribution 1641)

1845 survey map of Castlelough by Major Waters and Lieutenant Wilkinson, Royal Engineers

Castletown Arra Fortified House

....The old castle from which this place derived its name was formerly the residence of the Parkers, but is now in ruins; the demesne skirts the Shannon for a considerable distance, commanding some beautiful and extensive views.

(Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837)

Castletown Arra Church & Graveyard

Slate grave markers with curious carvings

Castlelough Castle - or The castle of Castleloghy. The ruins are set on a crannog. In 1640 it was owned by Donagh O'Brian of Ballina

"The Fairy at Castletownarra" by Georgina Eliza Augusta Waller - 15/08/1871

Castletownarra Church & graveyard

Bishop Moriertagh Mac Ui Briain who was educated at Oxford and was first Protestant Bishop of Killaloe. Legend has it that he was originally buried within the walls of the Church but during renovations the wall was moved so he now remains outside the church.

(Civil Survey - The Barrony of Arra & Owney 1654-1656)

Castletown C.O.I. School - (1820)

Glebe House - (1810-20)

Castlelough House - 1820'S - One of the Parker family homes

Unique configuration of windows to the rear of Castlelough House

Castlelough House - offices

Deconsecrated C.O.I. church (1860) with unusually configured steeple now a private home

Impressive Spaight family mausoleum to be found at Castletownarra Church Of Ireland graveyard (1810 - 1850)