The Waterpump in Birr Road. Micksy Morgan used to use the spring well behind the houses and every now and again throw in some lime to kill any latent bacteria. Wonderfully cool, it was still being used after Connolly Park was built even though the new houses had indoor running water

Top of Birr Road where Brereton's, Rouine's and Lawlors lived. Milo McGee's mini parked down the road outside No 16.

Gaffney's and Ritchie Chadwicks. Billy Gaffney and his father worked on the Railway. Ritchie Chadwick would drive his horse and cart through town removing scrap and encourage us kids to shout
"Up Sinn Fein, we want the Six Counties"

A Winters Day and probably a long bitter walk home down the Birr Road

Milo McGee & Tim Kennedy, residents during the 60's and both married to Harrington sisters

Scroopes House with Mrs Barrett of the Aluminium Factory & Quigley's on one side and the Irish speaking Surgeon O'Domhnaill's family on the other. It intriqued me that a family would willingly want to speak a language at home that was being beat into us at school

Outside Billy Lawlors house

1879 partial map of Birr Road

Midland Advertiser 14/07/1938

Nenagh Guardian - 01/05/1971

Residents of the Birr Road in 1911 Census

Moira Clifford, Birr Road
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